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Why we do not sell “superfoods” or food products on our website

Are blueberries a superfood?

"I noticed that you do not sell superfoods or other food products on your website, why not?" This is a common question that we are asked by people we meet and visitors to our website. The answer is quite simple: we want the information we present to be as objective as we can possibly achieve and this value is very important to us. Our Science of Raw Food Nutrition classes contain information for personal health empowerment, not information associated with product promotion. So, when we are asked a question about a food or product, the answer reflects our own personal experience, research, and observation. We are happy to be able to provide you with this type of information.

Please note that we are NOT necessarily against anyone selling superfoods or food products. In fact, there have been many products that we have tried over the years that we have enjoyed and found to be of excellent quality and very useful. We look at superfoods and food products individually, since they are so diverse in their biochemical and nutritional characteristics. We just choose not to sell them, and a good number of our students and blog readers appreciate this about us. All we sell is education.

What do you think? Is the fact that we don't sell food products of significance to you?

Can certain commonly found fruits and vegetables be called "superfoods"? We think so 🙂

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