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Rick and I have been asked lots of questions over the years about our opinion on specific foods. One of the biggest food questions that we have been asked recently is: “what is the nutrient content of chia seeds?” or some variation on this question. Chia seeds have become very popular in the last couple of years for a number of reasons, including their alpha-linolenic acid content. Alpha-linolenic acid (ALA) is an omega 3 fatty acid that is found in varying amounts in a number of foods, including leafy greens and flax seeds. Here is the ALA content of two teaspoons of chia seeds:

Chia seeds – 2 teaspoons (8.5 g)
ALA 1.49 g

Here are some of the other nutrients found in chia seeds:

Chia seeds – 2 teaspoons (8.5 g)
Calories 41.7
Calcium 53.6 mg
Protein 1.33 g
Fat 2.61 g

As one can see, a significant percentage (57%) of the fat in chia seeds is alpha-linolenic acid and the calcium content of these seeds is notable at almost 54 mg (for 2 teaspoons and 42 calories), considering that the adult daily value for calcium ranges from 1000 to 1200 mg. Rick and I use chia seeds to thicken our vegetable-based salad dressings, since they work well for this purpose and have a relatively neutral taste in our recipes.

Many people also ask us about the conversion of alpha-linolenic acid to DHA in the human body. Rick covers this topic in depth in our Science of Raw Food Nutrition I course and also has spoken on this subject at various health conferences. Click here to view one of his conference talks on essential fatty acids.

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