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Know Yourself

Day 5 of my top 30 for 30: Know yourself. When I say this, I mean that is helpful to know what approach to dietary transition works for you, or worked for you. Are you the type of person who likes to jump in with both feet and go all out? Did raw food and/or veganism resonate so deeply with you that you transitioned overnight and never looked back? Or are you someone who likes to take your time to transition and give yourself the opportunity to let each step fully sink in and integrate into your daily life? Do you like to know all the facts first, come up with a solid plan, and then start? Or are you somewhere in between? Is your goal to be 100% raw or is it to be high raw or some other percentage?

I ask these questions because over the years, I’ve had many people share their transition experiences with me and a number have expressed that they wish they had done things differently or felt pressure to transition differently than they had.

It’s my thought that there is no one ‘right’ way to transition. One of the common threads I’ve seen in successful and long-maintained dietary transitions is that the person was happy with their experience. They considered the strategy that resonated the most with where they were at the time and started on the path. They minimized the influences painting a picture of what it ‘should’ look like in order to ‘work’.

They were true to themselves. Whether it took a day or a year or more time to transition.

For me, I was really motivated to improve my health with raw food and resonated strongly with the vegan message, so I went full in and figured the out details over time. This was quite a stretch for me given my normal tendency to approach situations more methodically. This being said, I was enthusiastic, ready to learn, open to making changes as needed, and happy with my overall transition experience and health outcome.

What was your transition like?

Welcome to my top 30 for 30! During the month of October, I am counting down the top 30 mindset and practical strategies that have made all the difference in my success for 30 years as a raw food plant-based enthusiast to help you on your path!

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