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Frequently Asked Questions

I don’t want to eat exclusively raw foods. Does this class make sense for me?

If you want to take a very comprehensive curriculum from a whole food plant-based perspective and recognize the tremendous value of fruits and vegetables, then absolutely. Most of our students do not eat 100% raw foods, and don’t necessarily want to, and they derive a great deal of value from the class. We emphasize vegetables and fruit as they are nutrient dense and easy to digest, but have no problem with other healthy whole plant foods in addition to those, such as starches or a reasonable quantity of healthy fat sources to derive an adequate number of calories and quantity of nutrients.

I DO want to eat exclusively raw foods. Does this class make sense for me?

Absolutely! Many of our students eat exclusively raw foods with an emphasis on fresh fruits and vegetables, or wish to head in that direction. We analyze various options for individual long-term success in whole food plant-based nutrition, which includes several different versions of all raw diets.

I’m an omnivore. Does this class make sense for me?

We’ve had a number of students who fall into this category who took our class because they wanted to understand the science and research behind a (fruit and vegetable-centered) plant-based diet and because they appreciate our inclusivity. We welcome students from all dietary backgrounds who are excited about learning the information and approach(es) we teach.

I know a lot about nutrition already. Does this class make sense?

We have had many students join us who were already very well-educated about plant-based and/or raw food nutrition join us for the curriculum. They learned a lot more and fine-tuned their understanding of nutrition, and were very happy with the class. If you look through our testimonials, you will see many students who fall into this category.

I took the eCornell course? Does this class make sense for me?

If you like the sound science from eCornell and wish to go into more depth and detail about whole food plant-based nutrition, learn more topics, and see things from more of a fruit and vegetable-based perspective, then Mastering Raw Food Nutrition is a logical next step after the eCornell program. We have had many eCornell graduates join us and they have been extremely happy with their education.

Having said that, we think the world of Dr. Campbell, and many of our nutritional mentors are part of that educational program. We think very highly of the program and are always honored when eCornell graduates wish to continue their education with us.

I am a health care provider. Does this class make sense?

About 10% of our students are fellow licensed health care providers. This includes RN’s, MD’s, DO’s, DC’s, ND’s, etc. They appreciate our scientifically valid and accurate approach and our rational perspective, as well as the depth and detail of the curriculum and how all the pieces of the puzzle fit together. Many of our health care provider students gain nutritional insights that they can apply in clinical situations.

I am interested in nutrition consulting or health coaching. Is this class a good fit for me?

About 20% of our students are either already vegan coaches, raw food coaches, chefs, licensed health care providers, dieticians, nutritionists, people with Ph.D.’s, etc. or are working towards those endeavors. Those who already have people who they work with find they have more confidence in how they answer questions and guide others, and have more options to guide people successfully in a way that they can continue with over the long term.

Those who are working towards guiding others first want to have the confidence that they know what they are talking about before starting to educate others, which they find in this course. We provide educator material in the course (power point presentations that we show you how to individualize) and have a few weeks-worth of answering questions in raw food and plant-based nutrition.

I am NOT interested in nutrition consulting or health coaching. Is this class a good fit for me?

The main reason our students take this course is for their own health and that they like learning about plant-based and raw food nutrition because they know how much of a positive difference it makes in their lives.

Most (about 80%) of our students are not licensed health care providers, nutrition coaches, social media celebrities, etc. As far as the course content and the educator material covered in the course is concerned, we have had many students share with us that talking to skeptical family members has become a lot easier since learning the material we provide in the class. This includes students with medical professionals as family members.

Many students have also shared that it is easier to speak with friends and co-workers about their different diets, which gives them more confidence in their ability to share with others, which reduces potential stress and improves health.

I really love science. Is this class a good fit for me?

We consider ourselves “nutrition nerds” and if that title resonates with you, you are in the right place! We do not know of another plant-based nutrition course that goes into as much scientific depth and detail as ours does. At the same time (see below) we explain things clearly so they make sense to our non-scientifically oriented students as well. Our webinars are a good resource to see our mix of solid, reliable science, explained clearly in English (as opposed to too much scientific jargon) so it makes sense to just about everyone.

I am NOT very scientifically oriented. Does this class make sense?

Although accurate and valid science is the foundation of the course, it is explained and delivered in a way that just about anyone can understand.

We would encourage you to pick the educational content (middle section between the Drs. Rick and Karin backgrounds at the beginning and information about the class and how it is delivered at the end) of a few of our past webinars to view. If you can follow along with a good portion of what you see and hear there, you should have no problem following the course content. In fact, it is easier in the course because you have comprehensive notebooks, weekly quizzes, and near weekly Q&A zoom conferences directly with Drs. Rick and Karin as educational support tools.

Do you offer a certification? If so, what can I do with it?

We offer a “Certificate of Accomplishment” for students who pass 3 multiple choice exams and submit a quality final project to us. About 50% of our students go through this process to have something tangible to show for their efforts taking the course. For those who wish to educate others, it shows your patients, clients, etc. that you have taken a comprehensive plant-based and raw food nutrition curriculum so they can have more confidence in you.

It is very important to note however, this certificate is not a license or degree. It does not allow you to treat diseases, manage medications, practice in a field that requires a license, etc.

Do you offer scholarships?

We do not offer scholarships at this time. However, we have had students find their own sponsors for the course and it is great when that can work out. We are always deeply honored when students go out of their way to overcome financial challenges to join us for Mastering Raw Food Nutrition.

When does the next course start? Is there a self-paced option?

The next group program begins in late August of 2024. About 90% of our students go through the curriculum with the group that begins in late August / early September. About 10% of our students join then or at other times of the year and go through at their own pace, or join later in the calendar year and are able to move through at a quicker pace and catch up. For more details, please register for an information session and speak with us directly.

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