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Day 30 of My Top 30 for 30:

During the month of October, I counted down the top 30 mindset and practical strategies that have made all the difference in my success for 30 years as a raw food plant-based enthusiast to help you on your path!

Here on the final day, Rick and I address what we have observed as one of the most important factors in success with raw food and plant-based diets: education.

A study conducted by the Columbia University department of epidemiology in 2008 examined factors that affect adherence to a raw vegan diet after a stay at a raw vegan institute. The strongest predictor of future adherence was the level of education people had at baseline, specifically at the beginning of their stay at the institute. The more educated people were about raw food nutrition, the more likely they were to be adhering to the program down the road.

That shouldn’t be surprising, as it applies to many other areas of life as well. It’s more difficult to be successful at something if one isn’t clear on what to do in comparison to an educated approach.

Not only does education provide important and essential INFORMATION to help one create an approach that works for them, it creates CONFIDENCE in what one is doing. Knowing that one is getting important nutrients, or how to avoid certain challenges that may arise and how to address them if they do, or how to answer questions by inquiring friends and family members, etc. can be extremely valuable or even essential to success.

When I got started with raw food 30 years ago, I found myself seeking out as much information as I could about raw food and plant-based diets. Most of what I learned was helpful, but I wanted more concrete answers to my health and nutrition-related questions than those resources were able to provide. I had already experienced some great results with raw food and wanted to continue on the path from an educated perspective.

The bottom line is that education made all the difference for me and has helped to keep me on the path for over 30 years.

Both Rick and I know from our experience how much of a difference education can make, so we encourage you to be lifelong learners and solution seekers.

This is the conclusion of our Top 30 for 30 and over the coming months both Rick and I will expound on many of the concepts we have introduced over the last 30 days. It has been our pleasure to bring you this information and thank you for joining us! We look forward to continuing this conversation with you!

You can read the continuation of this article in our free eBook Our Top 12 Strategies for Long Term Success on a Raw Plant-Based Diet which you can receive by signing up for our email list at

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