Dehydrated red bell peppers – what an amazing flavor! We’ve found that a great way to add more flavor to recipes, especially salad dressings is with dehydrated red bell peppers. This can be especially helpful for people who are new to raw food or not used to the more delicate flavors of fresh fruits and vegetables. Especially, when one subtracts added salt or salt products, dehydrated veggies, like red bell peppers, can create the strong flavors that one may be seeking, and may even be a game-changer for someone trying to decrease their salt intake. This being said, as long-term raw food enthusiasts, we really love the delicious flavor that dehydrated red bell peppers bring to our recipes.

Here’s an example of one that we love – red pepper hummus dressing:
4 cups chopped unpeeled gold bar squash, yellow crookneck squash, or peeled zucchini
½ cup walnuts
1 tbsp. chia seeds
Juice of two medium lemons
½ cup dehydrated red bell peppers

To decrease the fat intake, you can substitute more zucchini or some cauliflower for the walnuts.