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Conscious Conversation

Day 20 of My Top 30 for 30:


When I became interested in raw food 30 years ago, as I was in my early 20s my parents were, not surprisingly, concerned when they saw me making changes to my diet. They thought that my transition from a standard western dietary approach to vegetarian and then vegan were one thing, but then raw food was in a whole new universe. My parents were looking for reassurance that my dietary changes were in my best interest. However, when they saw the benefits I was experiencing they started to become more open minded. I assured them that I wanted to give this fruit and vegetable-based approach a try to see how well it would support my health and that I was open to change if the need presented itself – this put their minds to ease. I think they thought it was a phase and that I would “grow out of it”, which of course never happened. 30 years later I’m still on the path and experiencing the benefits!

The bottom line is that the way that I answered my parents’ concerns back then created opportunities for conscious discussion and would set the stage for how I would explain this lifestyle for years to come to people who might not be familiar with it, might be skeptical, etc. In my experience, building bridges and fostering clear relatable conversation has almost always led to curiosity and thoughtful dialog.

How do you explain or share your raw, vegan, or plant-based lifestyle to loved ones, friends, and other people in your life?

You can find the recipe for this tomato dressing, along with smoothies, salads, and lots of other delicious raw foods in our free Holiday Recipe Guide eBook you can receive when you register for our email list:

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