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The Importance of Creating Community

Day 13 of my top 30 for 30:

Back when we started our health journeys over 30 years ago, there weren’t nearly as many resources available for connecting with other raw food enthusiasts as there are today. For that matter there weren’t nearly as many raw foodists back then, or even vegans or vegetarians! We knew a small number of people on this path, but even that handful of enthusiasts made all the difference.


We shared our ideas, had get-togethers and potlucks, celebrated our progress, and enjoyed our experience! This was much different than connecting today, given that back then, none of us had computers. The internet was in its infancy and most people, ourselves included, had never even heard of it. There were no websites, smartphones, social media, etc. There were resources, but not nearly as many as are available today.

Nowadays, it’s easier to connect with like-minded people from all over the globe and it has been a joy to witness the blossoming of the raw food, vegan, and plant-based communities into full-fledged movements!

Without a doubt and from our point of view, the value of having a community of people with a similar mindset cannot be overestimated. Our experience of support, friendship, personal development, sharing of personal experience, and so much more has made all the difference for us!

The juice in this photo is straight pomegranate juice that we often enjoy in smaller amounts in smoothies or mixed with orange juice. Recipes for these and lots of other delicious raw foods can be found in our free Holiday Raw Food Recipe Guide eBook that you can receive when you register for our email list:

How important has connection and community been in your success on your health journey?

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