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Practice, practice, practice!

Day 8 of my top 30 for 30:

For any change I’ve made in my life, including shifting my diet to whole natural plant foods, I’ve found is that there has been a period of adjustment.

For me, it seemed that the bigger the change the more significant the adjustment, as stretching into a new experience can be simultaneously exciting and unsettling.

Apparently, there’s been research done on how long it actually takes to form a new positive habit, which is really interesting. But what it comes down to for me is that practice, regardless of time frame, has been my best ally in creating lasting change. In addition to getting my new health-supporting practices into my mindset and daily routine, I also had some very compelling reasons for shifting my diet and lifestyle including my health, the animals, the environment, etc.

Having a strong ‘why’ propelled me forward and helped to keep me on track during challenging times. But in the end, practice was one of my most significant keys to success, along with not being hard on myself if I found myself starting to fall off track. When this happened, I would address the challenge, find a solution, pick myself up, continue onward, and learn from my experience.

BTW, you can find recipes for dishes containing pomegranates and lots of other delicious raw foods in our free Holiday Raw Food Recipe Guide eBook that you can receive when you register for our email list. See link in bio.

How has practice worked for you in creating health-supporting habits?

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