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Mastering Raw Food Nutrition

If raw food nutrition explained to you in easy to understand terms in a fun format with plenty of time to sink in, a manageable time commitment, and plenty of opportunity to ask questions and get clarification directly from us is important to you, we invite you to join us for our online Mastering Raw Food Nutrition Course! We are so happy to bring this program to you! We want you to experience all the joy and benefits eating and living this way has brought to our lives. We've listened and created this curriculum based on your input!

August 2024 Webinar:

July 2024 Webinar:

May 2024 Webinar:

June 2023 Webinars:

June 2022 Webinar:

August 2021 Webinar:

June 2021 Webinar:

Late August 2020 Webinar:

Early August 2020 Webinar:

July 2020 Webinar:

June 2020 Webinar:

August 2019 Webinar - An Analysis and Critique of Ketogenic Diets:

May 2019 Webinar:

August 2018 Webinar:

August 2017 Webinar:

These webinars explain our Mastering Raw Food Nutrition Course along with a sampling of the information covered in this curriculum. Each webinar is approximately one hour.

Program Details:

  • 12 Month Online and Interactive Course
    • Our next program will begin on August 28, 2024. We are currently enrolling students for this program! 
    • You can schedule a time to speak with us about Mastering Raw Food Nutrition here:
  • Self-Paced Version Now Available!
    • You may now join the self-paced version of this course at any time. If you are considering joining the class you can schedule an information session with us at the bottom of this page. Please continue reading about the course below.
  • Time Commitment: 3 to 4 hours per week
    • 2 hours of solid content:
      • Professional quality instructional videos
      • Four comprehensive, professionally printed and bound, 8.5" x 11" sets of paperback notes including graphics that follow along with our presentations. Close to 900 pages of notes between all four notebooks.

  • 6 – 8 monthly live zoom meetings in real time with Drs. Rick or Karin Dina, D.C. in small group sessions.
    • You can access these via phone or through your computer. This is another 100+ hours of time over the course of the 12 months!
    • All meetings will be recorded in case you miss one and want to still listen in afterwards, or review later even if you were on the call.
    • You can even ask your questions in advance through the computer!
    • We have listened! Many people have told us they have trouble following through with other online courses and find regular opportunities to meet, ask questions, and have time for sharing experiences very valuable for understanding course information.
    • Other types of online courses do not offer the support provided in this class.
  • Our Mastering Raw Food Nutrition Course is a total of over 100 hours worth of solid instructional video content and 100+ additional hours of class discussion Q+A sessions that you can attend live or access once we've recorded them.
      • Please keep in mind that 100 hours from us is probably more like 500 or so hours elsewhere. For example, we purchased an online program a few years back that was 6 hours worth of content. We were very frustrated going through it because it easily could have been delivered in about an hour, without missing anything. We value your time as much as we value our own, and our commitment to you is make the best use of that time.
      • This curriculum is based on peer-reviewed research (thousands of journal articles), our personal experience of 35+ years each, our clinical experience, and our doctorate level educations, presented in an easy to understand format!

“I really enjoyed the course and wouldn’t know where I could find the wealth of material, breadth of information, and detailed and clear explanations anywhere else and as efficiently presented as Drs. Rick and Karin’s excellent program. Thank you again. ” Gayle B., Newton, MA

  • Our program is cohesive! You get all the pieces, then you see how they all work together synergistically. In other programs you get exposed to the work of different educators. On the one hand it’s great to be exposed to different perspectives and different points of view. On the other hand, all the different people you hear from have not gotten together to weave their points of view into a cohesive whole. We teach you how to integrate these different ideas for maximum benefit, instead of being left confused.
  • We taught our in-person Science of Raw Food Nutrition classes for 10 years to rave reviews and in terms of the information delivery there was one central theme. The information was awesome and the students wanted all of it, but over a longer period of time, with more time in between to sink in and ask questions. This is why we created this course in this format.
    • When teaching in person, because people were away from home and it cost them money for lodging each day, we wanted to make the best of use of their valuable time. Even considering that, the total cost was considerably more when taking travel, lodging, and time off work into account. With this format, we don’t have those constraints to worry about, and now we can offer our new, revised, and updated curriculum to you in the manner you’ve asked for.
  • As far as getting the most reliable, accurate, and useful information in the least amount of time, we have done the work for you! This information is not available anywhere else! You will get our decades of experience and tens of thousands of hours of our work distilled into 100 hours. It would take you decades of research and education to get this level of understanding. We bring this information to you in bite-sized pieces over the course of 12 months, with weekly support if you so choose to take advantage of that.
  • Educator component of the course:  You become an educator when other people see what you eat! You will get questions, lots of them! We will teach you how to answer them. Not just what to say but how to say it to create rapport. This will allow you to feel more comfortable eating a raw food diet, and help you be a positive influence on others which may even allow you to gain some allies and supporters!
    • Additionally, when you have this solid foundation you are much less likely to led off track by people who are not well educated about nutrition. You won’t be deterred by well-meaning misinformation.

"Anyone interested in their own health or the health of others should take this course to increase their knowledge and how to put it into practice. This course was so valuable to me and my practice. Enjoying the course and truly wish I could continue to another course or level you teach." Diane D., Southwest Ranches, FL

"This course has been amazing for learning everything about plant based and raw nutrition. It gives you an excellent break down of where all our essential nutrients come from and how much we need to hit our requirements. Find it very informative to have the comparison to standard/meat eating diets. The passion of Dr. Rick & Karin makes this course that much better, it truly draws you in and keeps you wanting more each week." Morgan U., Edmonton, AB, Canada

  • You get more time to ask us questions than our Science of Raw Food Nutrition students in our in-person classes and you can access this information from the comfort of your own home. You won’t have to pay for travel or lodging or take time away from your family or work! We know you have busy lives, which is why we created the course in this manner. The structure of this course reflects the feedback we have received from so many of you over the years. We are so happy to finally bring it to you!

“So far none of the Science of Raw Food Nutrition courses has failed to fascinate me. There are so many aspects to consider for each individual when designing a truly healthy diet and lifestyle that meets the needs of each person in an optimal way and at first it all sounds conflicting, confusing, and complicated.  The more one studies the scientific facts and separates them from mere opinions, it all falls into place and makes perfect sense.  Dr. Rick and Dr. Karin do a perfect job on guiding us on that path, and their combined knowledge and experience is phenomenal.  These classes are a must for anyone wanting to learn about truly science-based facts and principles of healthy nutrition and lifestyle.

Thank you so much for this class. Again I learned so much and I am very glad I came (again) over from Japan to take this course.  It greatly deepened my overall understanding of the Science of Raw Food Nutrition!”  Beatte V., Tokyo, Japan


Interested in joining us for Mastering Raw Food Nutrition? Please click on this link to schedule a time to speak with us:

Please note: this link is exclusively for people who want to learn more about Mastering Raw Food Nutrition. If you are looking for consulting, please see the "Consulting" tab on this website.


  • Topics we will cover in this class include and are not limited to the following:
    • Successful weight management
    • Blood sugar regulation from a dietary perspective
    • Acid/Alkaline balance
    • Food changes from cooking
    • Anti-inflammatory nutrition
    • Anti-aging and longevity
    • Iron
    • Calcium
    • Zinc
    • Protein
    • Vitamin B12
    • Essential fatty acids
    • Antioxidants and phytonutrients
    • Understanding human digestion, absorption, and assimilation of nutrients.
    • Vitamins K1, K2, and D
    • Statistics in U.S. healthcare – We have the most costly healthcare system in the world, but are plagued by many diseases. Why? We will explore this question and more.
      • The quick fix approach vs. long-term change. How do health outcomes differ?
    • A history of the raw and living foods movement:
      • Natural Hygiene and the Ann Wigmore program contrasted with popular diet programs
    • Evolution within the raw food movement with growing national and international popularity
    • Personal responsibility and health achievement
    • Major studies in support of plant-based diets
    • Evaluation of the health promoting properties of different foods
    • Making sense of food labels
    • Phytoestrogens, soy, xenoestrogens
    • Enzyme theory and enzyme science
    • Food combining theory and practical applications
    • Essentials for success with raw foods
    • The history of human food choices
    • Grains - what they are and why they are so controversial
    • Organically grown produce - a scientific perspective
    • Nutrition from whole natural plant foods vs. supplements
    • More about essential fatty acids
    • Philosophy vs. science – the benefits and limitations of both
    • Comparison and contrast of different approaches to raw food nutrition
      • high fruit raw
      • low fruit raw
      • the importance of greens
      • much more
    • Avoidance of common pitfalls in raw food  and designing a health program for success
    • Raw food exaggerations and raw food facts
    • The effects of heating on food
    • The benefits of sprouting and greens
    • Antioxidants and phytonutrients
    • Nutrient synergy
    • Lighter eating for more energy
    • Healthy weight control
    • Raw superfoods, an objective and scientific look
    • Attitude and psychological considerations for healthy eating
    • Sleep and optimal health
    • Comparison of different types of fasts and cleanses
    • Food choices and ecological sustainability
    • Various supplements – what are they, what do they do, and do we actually need them?
    • Survey of sweeteners
      • What are the various sweeteners used by raw food enthusiasts and the population in general?
      • Are they good for us and what are healthy alternatives?
    • Advanced topics in weight loss and metabolism
      • Do hormones play a role?
      • How do diet, activity level, stress, sleep, etc. affect weight loss/gain?
    • Digestive health
      • The effect of various foods
      • Stress/emotional state
    • Probiotics, prebiotics, and microbiomes
    • How our body utilizes carbohydrates, protein, and fat
    • Sea vegetables
    • Raw food challenges, pitfalls, and solutions
    • Different types of oils
      • What are they, are they really healthy and do we need them?
    • Nutrient analysis of popular raw food staples
    • What popular raw foods are nutrient powerhouses?
      • Is it necessary to spend a lot of money to be healthy?
    • The raw health continuum
      • Where do different foods fall on the scale of health?
    • The importance of fiber for intestinal health
    • Raw food / plant-based diet research
    • And so much more...

We invite you to learn more about this class can assist you in reaching your health and personal goals. To book a time to speak with us about registering for this curriculum, please send us a message through the Contact page on this website. We look forward to speaking with you soon!

“Though I've been a raw food enthusiast for over ten years, I never knew what I never knew! Drs. Rick and Karin taught me some key principles that were missing from my understanding of raw food nutrition. I'm grateful for both of you. Who you are, and how you use your wisdom and knowledge to support others in their path to greater health and vitality! Thank you so much!" Susan P., Ketchum, ID

Interested in joining us for Mastering Raw Food Nutrition? Please click on this link to schedule a time to speak with us:

Please note: this link is exclusively for people who want to learn more about Mastering Raw Food Nutrition. If you are looking for consulting, please visit

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