Happy 2021!

On January 1 of every new year, we like to do a quick exercise where we consider what we (Rick and I) created in the previous year that worked or was successful and what we could have done differently. It’s always a fun process, because we get to celebrate our wins and creatively evaluate how we can make what we have done even better, and it only takes a few minutes. It’s a great way to bring closure to the previous year, create renewed energy for the coming year, and to see where we are with current carryover projects.
Speaking of what’s working, this past October I shared with you my top 30 raw food success strategies from my past 30 years on this path and one of my strategies was consistency – which I have found to be one of the most important for me personally. I also see sustainability, a close ‘sibling’ of consistency, as being of great importance with achieving success raw food or really any endeavor.
Sustainability in a sense brings consistency to the next level because we can be consistent with something, but if it is ultimately not the path that brings us the results we are seeking, then it’s time to course correct. Finding what works best for us dietarily or otherwise can be a fun opportunity of exploration that builds upon what we already know or have experienced and as we learn more, can lead ultimately to what is sustainable over the long-term.
I’ll share with you my experience with the shifts I’ve made over the past 30 years on my raw food plant-based path in coming posts. In the meantime, what shifts have you made in the past or present that are working for you?
You can find smoothie bowl recipes similar to this one in our Holiday Recipe Guide eBook which you can receive for free when you register for our email list using the form on in the right margin of this post.