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Welcome to 2012!

We hope that you had a joyful and healthy holiday season! January is always special time of the year for Rick and I. It is a time to rest, regroup, and set our sights on the coming year. It is also a time when we sit down and ask ourselves some formative questions: how have we progressed toward reaching our personal and professional goals and what do we want to achieve in the coming year.

Among many projects this year, we plan to continue our weekly blog posts on various health-related topics and would like to know what you want to see on this blog!

What nutrition and health topics are of interest to you? Are you interested in our travels, raw food science, our classes, and/or gardening? Are you interested in simply presented information or do you want to read about more technical topics such as nutritional biochemistry and physiology? Do you want to hear about the latest peer-reviewed nutrition research articles and clinical outcomes?

There are so many fascinating topics to share with you so we thank you for taking your time to post your questions and topics in the comment section below this blog post. We really appreciate your input!

8 thoughts on “Welcome to 2012!

  1. Robin

    Thanks for asking. I'd love to see technical topics such as nutritional biochemistry and physiology, and get your take on the latest peer-reviewed nutrition research articles and clinical outcomes, interspersed with lighter fare like the green juice recipes with nutrition info, your class info, etc. Thanks for keeping the great information coming!

  2. Isabelle Zablocki

    Hi Rick and Karin,
    I am definitely interested in the lastest peer-reviewed nutrition research articles but also on the new products that are coming out like Sacha Inchi seeds and oil, their nutritional content, and in general in what are called super foods.
    Also I am interested in topics like omega 3s, (fish, no fish), vitamin D, B12, and what people think about when they are refering to the vegetarian myth?

  3. Margaret

    I would love you to write about the latest in raw food science and peer-reviewed nutrition and health research. I love the technical information presented in an understandable format. Many of us can't garden right now (current temperature -19) but I'm interested in that in spring and summer.
    I would love it if you offered your classes on-line or in correspondence format.

  4. Lisa

    I would like to know the science behind eating raw greens such as broccoli, kale and collard greens. I have read that you are better to steam them to make the nutrients more bio available to our body. Does the Vita Mix do the same as steaming?
    Thank you Have a great day

  5. admin

    Many thanks to everyone who took the time to give us topic suggestions! We are currently considering blog topics for this year and your suggestions are extremely valuable to us. Thanks again!

  6. Tandi

    I would love information on nutritional biochemistry and your evaluations and interpretations of the latest nutrition research.

  7. LaKisha Hudson

    I would love ANY information on raw food and benefits; especially peer reviewed journal articles and any pertaining to women in particular. I would like to wrap my dissertation around raw food diets/alternative medicine and its effects on women. I am in the beginning stages of my PhD, but very interested in raw food and living the lifestyle. Thank you! 🙂

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