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We are happy to announce….

our first blog post! We are looking forward to writing about various topics that inspire us and have helped us achieve our personal health goals.

As expected, we will be writing about fresh whole natural plant foods from a scientific/ research perspective in a relatable and fun manner. Our goal is to regularly cover topics that you find to be valuable, so our question to you is: what health and nutrition subjects would you like to read on our blog? Please let us know by writing your suggestions in the comment section below.

Yours in health,

Drs. Karin and Rick Dina, D.C.

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1 thought on “We are happy to announce….

  1. Rachel Bighley

    Congrats on your goji germination! I hear they grow here in SW New Mexico also. It is one of the many foods I hope to grow here.....someday.

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